Are you someone who would benefit from using a bullet journal?
Today’s world is so busy and there’s so much information available about anything in the world that you can imagine. And to top it all off, many of us have to keep track of a gazillion pieces of that information. Because of that, pretty much everybody can benefit from bullet journaling.
Bullet journaling is a system of staying organized which has properties that makes it particularly helpful for people who thrive on lists and appreciate a non-digital system. First I’ll talk a bit about what bullet journaling is and then I’ll give a quick rundown of the 5 types of people bullet journaling is most helpful for to help you decide if bullet journaling is right for you.

What The Heck Is Bullet Journaling?
Using a bullet journal gives you more freedom then you have with a traditional journal. Yes, you’re able to write your innermost thoughts, feelings and ideas, but you also have the space to create your own layouts. That’s where the freedom comes in.
Because the pages of a bullet journal (also known as a dot grid journal) don’t consist of dark lines, you’re able to create layouts customized to your specific needs. You can be as creative as you want to be.
With a bullet journal, you can be as creative as you wanna be. Or not. Cassandra Martin-Himmons
In addition to using words or phrases, you can use symbols to journal more quickly. In my own bullet journal, I use a combo of words and symbols that make sense and feel right to me. When you use a bullet journal it’s not necessary to write in any specific format because the journal is just for you.
The 5 Types Of People Who Benefit Most From Bullet Journaling
To-Do List Enthusiasts
If you’re like me and are a fan of to-do lists, then a bullet journal might be great for you. Think of a bullet journal as a large, ongoing to-do list which will help you keep track of appointments, grocery lists, personal development activities, self-care routines and the like.
The great thing about using a bullet journal to house your to-do lists is that since they’re all in one journal, you don’t have to worry about having frantic searches for the one scrap of paper that held everything you needed to do today; unless you lose your journal. But a journal is easier to find than that scrap of paper!
Analog Lovers
Today, everything is digital and while our electronic devices are great because you have the entire world at your fingertips; sometimes you want the feel of pen on paper.
Plus going analog means that you can be organized using a simple system that doesn’t require batteries or Wi-Fi.
Even if you think your Google Calendar handles everything for you, I encourage you to give this a try. There’s just something about writing things down by hand that helps us process them differently. What you write tends to stick in your mind more. You also have a lot of room for variety and creativity.
My Fellow Creatives
If you consider yourself to be a creative person (and even if you don’t) and are wanting to have a creative outlet but don’t have time to sit down and sketch, scrapbook, paint, or create, then bullet journaling could be a great fit for you because bullet journaling is inherently creative and creativity is a form of self-care.
As you plan your day, you can let out your creative side as you doodle and decorate your daily pages. And even when you’re setting up your bullet journal, don’t be afraid to draw interesting charts, to-do lists or habit trackers in your journal. You're expressing yourself. If you’re like me and drawing isn’t your forte, then consider using rubber stamps or stencils.
I’ve Got It All In My Head
There’s so much to keep track of nowadays. Many people have a running list in their heads of everything that needs to be done and remembered during the course of a day. On the one hand, doing that helps you flex your mental muscles, but on the other hand doing that takes up a lot of brain space.
A bullet journal is the perfect solution because you can quickly jot down all those appointments, to-dos, meetings and ideas you don’t want to forget as they come up. Which will make it easier for you to reach your goals.
Writing all of those things down means that you don’t have to have a continuous long list of stuff in your head. Think about it! What would you do with all that extra brain capacity? Learn a new skill? Why not? Also think about how much less stressed you’ll feel when you stop worrying about forgetting something.
Don’t Tie Me Down!
One of the big advantages of a bullet journal is that it’s nothing more than a notebook and a pen. You can sit down anytime, anywhere to plan, check on your progress through the day, or add new items. There’s no need to hunt down a power outlet, as it won’t run out of juice and it works just fine in bright sunlight.
As I’ve talked about in previous posts, it’s nice sometimes to unplug and do a tech disconnect where you can get some thinking done away from your computer, smartphone or other devices.
Even if you don’t count yourself in all or even most of these groups, I encourage you to give bullet journaling a try. You might not think of yourself as a list or “pen and paper” type person, but you may find that this is just what you needed to stay on top of everything that’s thrown at you every day. And if you are one of these people, then go forth and prosper, keeping your bullet journal right by your side. It's all about making time.

Let’s talk, Which (if any) of the 5 types of people are you and how do you use your bullet journal? Let me know in the comments section.
Journaling photo by Burst on
Cassandra Martin-Himmons is a trainer, wellness coach and consultant who believes in empowering her clients and providing the tools that they need to make positive changes in their lives to manage their stress and increase their self-care. In her spare time, she enjoys papercrafting, volunteering and travel. Connect with her on Instagram or Linked/In